
I am not the most experienced guy concerning dating in fact I have only had a girlfriend in my whole life, I have never dated anybody else. I have knowledge that here in the United States people call going on dates when two people hang out together with the purpose of getting to know each other, and they call dating when they are both committed to each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, that may be used differently in Guatemala the country I am from. 

Dating, even though it has been created with the purpose of getting to know each other it has been used in many different ways, especially in this last year. Often times my parents talk to me about how dating used to be in the 1990s, my own opinion concerning dating at that time is that it used to be more healthy, not in the manner of physical health but psychological health, couples used to see each other often, Marriage was a goal to think about together which made marriages to happen with the intention to create a family. As time has passed these traditions have been lost, and the world, in general, has a whole new idea of what dating means and its purpose of it.

My Mom and Dad raised a family of 6 children in unity, thriving, living by principles that they believe are correct. My parents raised me with the idea of getting married, and even until a couple of months ago that was my wish, but the times change people, and even though deep in my heart I would like to get married, I am not doing anything towards that goal, and every time I try it seems to get harder for me to initiate a relationship with the intent of getting married.

As I  was mentioning before, in my personal opinion I believe that what has been taking me back from following my goal of getting married is fear. Now I would like to go a little bit further with this, why is it that my generation does not want to have a family, there could be several reasons, like saying I don't like commitment, or I don't like kids, or even as simple as saying I like enjoying time for myself. I would like to say that the biggest reason is FEAR, times change so do people, and so do opportunities it may seem that these times are the worst to bring children to life, but the true reason things stop me personally from doing something is the fear of failure, it tends to be even harder with the rated of divorcement or separation every time increasing more and more, it happens the same with dating.

I am at a point in my life where I feel that I am progressing secularly and materially, and that is probably my excuse for working on my goal to get married. My first and only relationship broke my heart to pieces and my fear to feel the same again has kept me from trying one more time, and this is a problem I have not yet discovered how to improve. but I know something for sure, the love that we have for ourselves needs to be stronger than our fears, and seeking help and learning how to overcome our own fears by striving to do hard things will get anyone to the desired goal. God has established commandments to all his children that can only work towards the happiness of every individual, and if he has commanded us to be like him we need to overcome our fears and what I am.


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