only between the binds of lawfuly marriage

There are several reasons dating doesn't work in preparation for marriage, one of the most common ones is the couple doing things only married people do, today I would like to speak about sex before marriage and its consequences, the purpose of sex, and the way that sex can help a relationship between a married couple.

These days it is really common for couples to have sex before the binds of marriage, this fact causes fewer people to want to get married, and it causes the ones that participate in these to stop believing in marriage, sex before marriage has only caused couples to lose respect for each other. Sex before marriage creates emotional attachments that are difficult to stop, emotional attachments that can only be felt by a lawly married couple. This causes couples to stop believing in what really matters "Love". When a couple focuses on sex rather than love the relationship only has the interest in satisfying each other's physical needs of sex leaving behind the wellness of each other.

Last week we talked about the different types of love, I described two of them, the first type of love I described is called agape, agape describes a person whose priority is the wellness of the people that he or she loves, this priority causes to sacrifice whatever it takes to make the spouse or partner happy, at the moment a couple decides to have sex before marriage this love usually in the majorities of couples only decreases, making the type of love "eros" increase, which can only result in a relationship that will no longer work in a proper way.

Intimacy is much more than sex in a relationship, intimacy is about trust, is about love, and confidence to share everything that is important with a spouse or a partner in a relationship. Sex is part of intimacy but indeed not the first kind of intimacy a couple should experience, when sex becomes the first type of intimacy the couple experiences everything else that has importance and matter in the relationship takes second place creating big empty holes that can only lead to misfortune in the relationships, most of the times it ends up with the end of the relationship.

Sex was brought up by God the moment he created Adam and Eve and gave them the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, and he has not mentioned the word sex, but usually implies the word procreation, if we think of this word, it has the word creation included which gives this word the meaning of creating the bodies for God's spirits that will come to earth and fulfill God's plan.

Intimacy is completely necessary for a marriage, it is necessary for a couple to trust in each other's partner, and it is necessary to make their bonds even stronger, sex can also be used to make the emotional binds stronger, it is necessary for a couple to know that they have each other to make each other happy to show love and express how much they care for each other. Nevertheless, intimacy needs to be loyal and only be expressed in between the marriage, at the moment one of the married couples starts to have intimacy of any kind with someone else the marriage starts to break. Including a third party in the decisions made in the marriage is the start of a broken relationship, even if it is the mother of one of them, and this can cause several problems in the marriage. God wants every couple to be happy, that is why he has created certain rules to be obeyed so that all his children find true happiness especially in between a marriage.


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