
Showing posts from October, 2022

What do I want my marriage to be like?

What do I want my marriage to be like? It's a question I have never done to myself before, but it is a question every young single adult who desires to get married should always ask themselves. What would some of the consequences be if we don't ask ourselves this question before marriage? This last week I was studying a little more concerning the consequences of not asking ourselves this question before marriage, and there is also that we need to talk about this topic with our girlfriend or boyfriend before the proposal. When we avoid this topic while dating there is a higher chance that we do not agree with our partner on the kind of relationship we want to have after marriage. Some of the problems that a couple may face during matrimony can only be solved by an agreement between the partner, and in a relationship, there are always going to be two different points of view, that is the importance of marrying someone that agrees, and strives to understand what we are thinking so


I am not the most experienced guy concerning dating in fact I have only had a girlfriend in my whole life, I have never dated anybody else. I have knowledge that here in the United States people call going on dates when two people hang out together with the purpose of getting to know each other, and they call dating when they are both committed to each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, that may be used differently in Guatemala the country I am from.  Dating, even though it has been created with the purpose of getting to know each other it has been used in many different ways, especially in this last year. Often times my parents talk to me about how dating used to be in the 1990s, my own opinion concerning dating at that time is that it used to be more healthy, not in the manner of physical health but psychological health, couples used to see each other often, Marriage was a goal to think about together which made marriages to happen with the intention to create a family. As time has

Importance of genders

This week I read a talk by Elder D. Todd Christofferson called "let us be Men" I was really touched by an experience he shared about one thing his father did to buy his wife an iron. Every gender has a different responsibility in making matrimony work, our heavenly father has established sacred responsibilities for everyone to accomplish to have a successful marriage. when Elder Christofferson shared his experience, he made it clear that as men we are responsible for providing what's necessary for the family to live comfortably in a house where the woman is in charge of making the home organization work.   There is an importance in every gender God has created in order to make families, organizations, and life in general work in an optimal way. God has created both genders according to the image and similarity to our Heavenly parents. Distinct roles are to be played by both genders female and male, roles that only specific genders can fulfill according to the plan of our

Family Culture

This week I have been thinking a lot concerning cultures within the family and in what way that affect families and impact societies. Culture is the shared values and beliefs that a group of people practices throughout a lifetime, not every aspect of one culture is often correct. I was raised in Guatemala, and the culture there is really different from the culture here. Some things about the culture of my family I am really grateful for are the expressions of love that were shown to me since I was little. I will like to share one of the things we always do as a family to show love for each other. Prayers have been part of the culture of my family since I was born. In my family we usually pray at least 5 times altogether, the first prayer we say together is for breakfast, the second one is when we get out of home, and the third one is for lunch if we have lunch together, we say the fourth prayer for dinner, and at times we say a prayer before going to bed. This habit has played an impor

Why a family?

God loves all his children and he is mindful of every one of them in their distinct needs. Our heavenly father has created a plan for us to experience love in our lives, the first love a human being can experience is the love of family, the same kind of love our father who dwells in heaven has for us. The way that our heavenly father has created for us to be happy has love at the center of it, this love can help us achieve the plan of happiness that God has prepared for us. When God commanded Adan and eve to have children, he did it for us (everyone on this earth) so that we can experience the opportunity of having a family, and so that we can experience some of the love that our heavenly father has for us, so that we give that same love to children, siblings and every other person leaving close to us. Have you ever thought about how life would be without your family? Without having the experience of love and being loved, throughout this life? I have thought of it and it is indeed real